Note To God

Final Chapter

Chapter 7

It was on that late afternoon, at exactly two weeks before their anniversary when things started to get drastically changed for the worst.

For the whole week she weakly lay on her hospital bed with tubes and IV’s sticking out of her arms. It was her only way to somehow gain strength as she already have not enough will to even make herself to eat and drink.

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Note To God

Chapter 6

He looked up from where he was sitting and his eyes found its way towards her beautiful face. She looked different, definitely different. Her face was thinner, the blush on her that always makes her adorable was gone, her lips that used to be pink was now paler, her whole being seemed to lose its natural glow.

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Note To God

Chapter 4

Her eyes flutter open revealing the already sun lit room. Like what her room in Seoul was. White curtains dancing along with the blowing of the wind. A butterfly wind chime hanging on the window and tinkling along with the sound of the gentle crushing of the early morning waves. She noted, she needed to say thank you once again to her Nana who knew exactly how she wanted her room to be like.

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Note To God

Chapter 3

She kept drawing circles and smileys on the sand and smiled as she erased it to only draw another one. She has her little sandals lying neatly on her side and her beautiful beach hat that’s full of shells that she collected a few hours ago while she was strolling filled its hollow.

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Note To God

Chapter 2

Jaejoong slumped tired on his bed not caring to take a bath nor change his clothes. He didn’t know why but he actually felt exhausted. Unlike those nights after some of his performance, the young star still has an ample amount of energy to meet his friends and party around clubs.. yet today… he actually felt drained and sick.

Then his thoughts brought him back to someone….

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Note To God

Chapter One

He stood amongst the crowd. His face full of delight, his eyes sparkled to the the reflection of the continuous flashing of cameras.

In the world of Entertainment and music, there is no one rightful enough to be called the prince of Korean pop. None, until Youngwon Jaejoong came. He was the real epitome of a human god, the only rightful one to be called as such.

The life he had chosen was glamorous, it was indeed a life that everyone had wished to have… not even… everyone was rather dieing to just experience. But to Jaejoong… the life he has been living was far from everyone has expected… there’s more to it than just singing live, or recording and performing.

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Note To God


A story of an ice figure skater whose life was about to cut short by a terminal sickness and A pop star whose life just revolves around fame, lies and distrust.

Just when she was about to accept everything, she came to know him….
Just when he was about to love…. she has to be taken away….

Note to God… a story of love about two individuals whose current circumstances makes them unable to love…..

Note To God… a fairytale that seems to have no happy ending….


Chapter 1 on next post